Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Become an Independent Learner?

Independent learning is when pupils set goals, monitor and evaluate their own academic development, so they can manage their own motivation towards learning. Students exploring for themselves is at the very core of learning. Making discoveries from a task the teacher sets that they are genuinely interested in and find challenging, and the feeling they gain from self-direction, is wonderfully rewarding for learners as well as an incredible life tool. the benefits of independent learning for students include Improved academic performance, Increased motivation and confidence, Increased chances to be creative and intellectually creative, Fostered social inclusion and countered alienation from peers and Increased opportunities for completing differentiated tasks set by the teacher.says John Marcus, the Content Head of brand GPA Calculator.
· Study even when you don’t want to — Independent learners understand that present frustration is worthwhile to achieve future success. So rather than procrastinating and watching an entire season of House of Cards in one day, they know that starting their essay now will benefit them next month.
· Believe you can become more intelligent — Independent learners have or are developing a growth mindset — the belief that your level of intelligence can be improved.
· Know when to seek help — An independent learner knows the value in solving problems of their Perl Assignment by themselves. Sometimes looking at a problem differently or taking a break and coming back to it will help you see a glimmer of a solution.
· Don’t fall behind by not spending enough time studying — It can be hard to find a balance between making time for studying, but also having a life. An independent learner knows they need to build studying into an everyday habit.


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